82 research outputs found

    From truth to computability II

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    Computability logic is a formal theory of computational tasks and resources. Formulas in it represent interactive computational problems, and "truth" is understood as algorithmic solvability. Interactive computational problems, in turn, are defined as a certain sort games between a machine and its environment, with logical operators standing for operations on such games. Within the ambitious program of finding axiomatizations for incrementally rich fragments of this semantically introduced logic, the earlier article "From truth to computability I" proved soundness and completeness for system CL3, whose language has the so called parallel connectives (including negation), choice connectives, choice quantifiers, and blind quantifiers. The present paper extends that result to the significantly more expressive system CL4 with the same collection of logical operators. What makes CL4 expressive is the presence of two sorts of atoms in its language: elementary atoms, representing elementary computational problems (i.e. predicates, i.e. problems of zero degree of interactivity), and general atoms, representing arbitrary computational problems. CL4 conservatively extends CL3, with the latter being nothing but the general-atom-free fragment of the former. Removing the blind (classical) group of quantifiers from the language of CL4 is shown to yield a decidable logic despite the fact that the latter is still first-order. A comprehensive online source on computability logic can be found at http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.htm

    Introduction to clarithmetic II

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    The earlier paper "Introduction to clarithmetic I" constructed an axiomatic system of arithmetic based on computability logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html), and proved its soundness and extensional completeness with respect to polynomial time computability. The present paper elaborates three additional sound and complete systems in the same style and sense: one for polynomial space computability, one for elementary recursive time (and/or space) computability, and one for primitive recursive time (and/or space) computability


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    The present article introduces ptarithmetic (short for "polynomial time arithmetic") -- a formal number theory similar to the well known Peano arithmetic, but based on the recently born computability logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html) instead of classical logic. The formulas of ptarithmetic represent interactive computational problems rather than just true/false statements, and their "truth" is understood as existence of a polynomial time solution. The system of ptarithmetic elaborated in this article is shown to be sound and complete. Sound in the sense that every theorem T of the system represents an interactive number-theoretic computational problem with a polynomial time solution and, furthermore, such a solution can be effectively extracted from a proof of T. And complete in the sense that every interactive number-theoretic problem with a polynomial time solution is represented by some theorem T of the system. The paper is self-contained, and can be read without any previous familiarity with computability logic.Comment: Substantially better versions are on their way. Hence the present article probably will not be publishe

    A logical basis for constructive systems

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    The work is devoted to Computability Logic (CoL) -- the philosophical/mathematical platform and long-term project for redeveloping classical logic after replacing truth} by computability in its underlying semantics (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html). This article elaborates some basic complexity theory for the CoL framework. Then it proves soundness and completeness for the deductive system CL12 with respect to the semantics of CoL, including the version of the latter based on polynomial time computability instead of computability-in-principle. CL12 is a sequent calculus system, where the meaning of a sequent intuitively can be characterized as "the succedent is algorithmically reducible to the antecedent", and where formulas are built from predicate letters, function letters, variables, constants, identity, negation, parallel and choice connectives, and blind and choice quantifiers. A case is made that CL12 is an adequate logical basis for constructive applied theories, including complexity-oriented ones

    Separating the basic logics of the basic recurrences

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    This paper shows that, even at the most basic level, the parallel, countable branching and uncountable branching recurrences of Computability Logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html) validate different principles

    Introduction to Cirquent Calculus and Abstract Resource Semantics

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    This paper introduces a refinement of the sequent calculus approach called cirquent calculus. While in Gentzen-style proof trees sibling (or cousin, etc.) sequents are disjoint sequences of formulas, in cirquent calculus they are permitted to share elements. Explicitly allowing or disallowing shared resources and thus taking to a more subtle level the resource-awareness intuitions underlying substructural logics, cirquent calculus offers much greater flexibility and power than sequent calculus does. A need for substantially new deductive tools came with the birth of computability logic (see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~giorgi/cl.html) - the semantically constructed formal theory of computational resources, which has stubbornly resisted any axiomatization attempts within the framework of traditional syntactic approaches. Cirquent calculus breaks the ice. Removing contraction from the full collection of its rules yields a sound and complete system for the basic fragment CL5 of computability logic. Doing the same in sequent calculus, on the other hand, throws out the baby with the bath water, resulting in the strictly weaker affine logic. An implied claim of computability logic is that it is CL5 rather than affine logic that adequately materializes the resource philosophy traditionally associated with the latter. To strengthen this claim, the paper further introduces an abstract resource semantics and shows the soundness and completeness of CL5 with respect to it.Comment: To appear in Journal of Logic and Computatio
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